Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Cards

You know what's something I associate with being All Grown Up? Christmas Cards.

My mom was the baby of her family by a good chunk of years, so I have cousins who were in their thirties while I was still in high school. It was amazing to me to see more and more Christmas cards show up not just from the usual suspects (grandparents, aunts/uncles, family friends, neighbors), but also from these cousins who I remember when they were in high school. They were getting married and having kids. I always loved it when my cousins would send photos of their offspring wearing that years Halloween costumes, or from that year's photo shoot, accompanied by some info of what happened for that family that year.

This year, I bought a pack of cards at CVS and decided to send them. No photos, but I did throw in my business card I made this year for my professional site, . I only sent them to my friends. I haven't built up the courage to find the addresses to my extended family members yet. Maybe next year (and next year, I want to design the card myself... or at least find something cuter than a red card with a penguin on it xD).

So I guess that's one step closer to being a grown-up, eh?

New Year, New Blog

I'm just going to jump into it this time. No flubbing around with themes and fonts and pictures. Just write. One day I'll make the site purty, but for now, I just want to write. I want to actually start something, and not just dream of starting something like most of my life feels right now.

My name is Megan Phillips. I'm 25 years old and I'm soon to be graduating from Savannah College of Art and Design with a bachelor's degree in animation. I've been in college almost continuously since I graduated high school, and I am SO READY to be DONE. However, there's still two quarters to go. 21 weeks, pretty much. On the one hand, that's not a heck of a lot of time to finish my senior film (which actually has to be done in more like 16 weeks...) but on the other hand, it feels like an eternity.

There's this imagery I've always held in my head when it came to college. College is Limbo. You are neither living nor dead.... childhood is neither living nor dead, adulthood is neither living nor dead. You're just kind of trapped in this Young Adulthood, not knowing what you're doing or where you're going. I know I'm not alone in these feelings, but even though I am 25, and many of my friends are already in well-paying careers, married, having kids, buying houses and cars and dogs and furniture.... I'm not. I'm not an adult like that. I am still financially dependent on my dad. My school workload is so extreme that I can only work about 10 hours a week (in a minimum wage on-campus job no less). I feel like I'm basically in the same place I was 7 years ago, while my friends have moved on.

But there are things in my life that ARE a little more grown up. I left home to go to school over 1000 miles away. I pay taxes and am being buried under tons of student loan debt. I live with my boyfriend, Justin, and have a cat named Quinn. We rent half a house, with a garbage disposal, a washer and dryer, a little private deck. I have a credit card with too much money on it, but with plenty of credit to go.

Basically, I'm coming up on possibly the biggest crossroads I've ever faced in my life. I can see it, waaaaay ahead of me on the path I'm walking. The problem is my eyesight is terrible and I can't see what the signs say (not kidding either - I need new glasses lol). So though I know ROUGHLY what lies ahead of me, I don't know EXACTLY. I think I see two paths right now - one pointing to Animation, a job in a studio, moving elsewhere, getting paid to create stuff.... and one pointing elsewhere, perhaps to starting my own blogging-crafting business, perhaps working minimum wage the rest of my life, perhaps becoming a stay-at-home mom one day... it's really really uncertain what the near future holds for me and that uncertainty is TERRIFYING.

But you know what? What better time to start a blog, eh? When I was a teenager, I blogged ALL THE FREAKING TIME! (Livejournal, xanga (RIP), ujournal (RIP), Myspace....). I fell out of it around the time Facebook became a thing. But I want to get back into it. I love the blogs I read. I love glimpsing into other lives. I'm so bad about being open and honest and clear about what's going on in MY life anymore, though (apart from whiny facebook statuses). So... how about starting? Just doing it?

I do have a list of goals for this year. This is merely one of them. Here are some others.

  • Finish my senior film. It doesn't have to get any awards or even go to Senior Showcase (though if it did that would be amazing). I just want to finish it. And graduate. These are kinda hand-in-hand.
  • Get a job. Animation. Freelance. Home Depot. Just a JOB.
  • Create something to sell online. (More about this in another post, I think)
  • Go to DisneyWorld to see my friends Ryan and Lois get married (it's in August. I wanna go. It's a goal, lol).
  • Lose some weight via Wii-Fit U 
So that's it. 5 simple goals. Well... simple to say, not to do, lol.

....I also want to get a camera. Cuz what is a blog without purty pictures? And my iphone just can't cut it. One day....